60+ Insanely Useful Jasper Templates Explained [with 137+ screenshots]

AI writing tools have become extremely popular, especially after the rise of ChatGPT. But, ChatGPT has a drawback: it’s entirely text-based. To get it to do anything, you have to give explicit (and detailed) instructions.

AI writers like Jasper have found a clever solution to overcome this limitation: Templates.

Jasper AI comes with prebuilt templates that produce a specific kind of output. For example, if you want to write a description for a YouTube video, you can use the YouTube video description generator template, if you want to write Tweets, use the Tweet generator, if you want to write a creative story, use the Creative Story template.

You get 60+ Jasper templates out of the box. If you need more, there are tools like Copy.ai which come with 90+ prebuilt templates.

These templates can be used to create almost any kind of text content imaginable, be it a YouTube Video Introduction, A Facebook Ad Copy, An Instagram Photo Caption, or a full-blown SEO-optimized blog post. You can even create your own Jasper templates.

However, all these templates can be a little overwhelming especially if you are a beginner.

That’s why I created this extensive guide to explain each and every template that Jasper Provides. I will also demo these templates with a few examples so that you know what template to use and when.

Let’s begin.

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What is a Jasper Template?

A Jasper Template is a pre-built mechanism in Jasper AI which is designed to produce a specific kind of output.

For example, if you are writing a script for a YouTube video, you can use the “Youtube Video Outline” template to generate a list of bullet points. You can then expand these bullet points and you will have a video script in no time.

Or if you are writing an email promoting your latest product, you can use the “Personalized Cold Emails” template.

How do Jasper Templates work?

Jasper Templates Require a set of inputs and produce an output based on that.

In most Jasper Templates, you will feed 3 or fewer inputs —

Jasper Templates require 3 inputs in most cases — Topic, Description and Tone of Voice
  1. Topic — What do you want to write about
  2. Brief description or background information about the topic — So that Jasper knows precisely what aspect of the topic you want it to write about
  3. The tone of voice — The tone in which you want the output to be. You can put in anything here but the most common ones are witty, funny, casual, informal, formal, matter-of-fact, sarcastic, or emotional. You can even put in Victorian, Joe Rogan, or Steve Jobs if you want to imitate their styles.

Remember that not all fields are mandatory to fill in. The more specific input you give to Jasper, the more tailored the output will be toward your needs.

After filling in inputs, you press the Generate button at the bottom of the toolbar.

image 1

By default, Jasper produces 3 outputs but you can change that. The maximum number of outputs can be 10 but remember that all the outputs produced by Jasper will count toward your monthly credit limit. So, you might wanna decrease the number of outputs to 1 or 2 to preserve your monthly quota.

If you don’t like an output, you should tweak the input a little bit (maybe change the tone of voice or description) and press Generate button once again to obtain a fresh output.

Now that you have learned the basics of Jasper templates, it is time to explore them in detail.

All Jasper templates are grouped into 13 categories with some overlap among them. The Jasper team is also adding new templates continuously so these numbers might increase by the time you read this article.

You might also like: The ULTIMATE Review of Jasper Chat (Better than ChatGPT?)

All 60+ Jasper AI Templates with Examples

In testing these Jasper Templates, I have run them at least 3 times for a given input. But in most cases, I have reproduced screenshots of only a single output. Please assume that this was the best output produced by Jasper for that input.

Now let’s jump right into the templates.

AIDA Framework

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The AIDA Framework is an acronym for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. It is a marketing model that explains the four steps a customer takes before they make a purchase or take any type of desired action.

  • Awareness: Getting potential customers to recognize your product or service.
  • Interest: Giving them more information about it.
  • Desire: Encouraging them to want it.
  • Action: Making the purchase or taking the desired action.

Most email marketing campaigns capitalize on this sales funnel to acquire new customers.

I tried this template for a fictitious web hosting company named “RobustHost” which guarantees 100% uptime and automatic backups every 12 hours.

This is the input I gave —

Jasper AI Templates - AIDA framework (Input) (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

This is what it produced —

Jasper Templates: AIDA template (output)

If you want to learn more about this template, here’s a video from the Jasper team itself.

Amazon Product Description (Paragraph)

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When you list your products as a seller, you have to provide a brief description of the product.

For example, here’s the product description of the Macbook Air on amazon.com —

image 4

Needless to say, these product descriptions must be compelling and eye-catching otherwise you won’t be able to convert viewers into customers.

Amazon product description template in Jasper AI is just for that.

I tried to create a product description for a set of earbuds that were extremely lightweight and comfortable that can be worn for up to 12 hours at a stretch with extra-long battery life.

This was the input I gave —

Jasper Templates: Amazon Product Description (Paragraph) template (Input)

And this is the output I got —

Jasper Templates: Amazon Product Description (Paragraph) template (Output)

Amazon Product Features (bullets)

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When you list your products on Amazon to sell, you have to provide a bulleted list of all the features and specifications of the product. This bulleted list shows on the product page under the heading About this item.

For example, here’s the bulleted list for the Macbook Air on Amazon —

image 63

I tried this template for the same earbuds product as in the above template.

I gave this input to Jasper —

Jasper Templates: Amazon Product Features (bullets) template (Input)

And this is the output that I got —

Jasper Templates: Amazon Product Features (bullets) template (Output)

Before-After-Bridge Framework

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Before-After-Bridge (BAB) is another marketing framework that is designed to increase the conversion rate.

Jasper Templates - BAB (Before, After, Bridge) framework explained

It is based on the following premise —

Before – Show your customers’ lives before they have tried your product/service.

After – Show them their lives after they have tried your product/service.

Bridge – Offer your product/service as a means of that transformation.

I tried this template for a pair of Antiglare blue-light filtering eyeglasses.

Here’s the input that I gave to Jasper AI —

Jasper Templates - BAB (Before, After, Bridge) framework (Input)

Here’s what I got back —

Jasper Templates - BAB (Before, After, Bridge) framework (Output)

Business or Product Name

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If you have a product or a business in mind but can’t seem to find a perfect name for it, Jasper can help.

I tried this template for a mechanical keyboard. This is what I fed Jasper —

Jasper Templates - Business or Product Name template (Input)

This is what it came up with —

Jasper Templates - Business or Product Name template (Output)

I have to say, I don’t like any of the above outputs. This template feels like a gimmick.


image 80

You can tell Jasper exactly what to write with a command.

This is a freeform template that works like a swiss-army knife. It can produce almost any kind of content that many other templates can. You just have to give it a command specific enough.

I tried to create an AIDA-framework-based marketing email for xLight Earbuds x2.

Here’s my input —

Jasper Templates - Commands template (Input)

And here’s the output —

Jasper Templates - AIDA Framework using Commands template (Output)

I also tried a few other commands.

FAQs on “Long tail keywords”

Jasper Templates - FAQs generated using Commands template

Introductory paragraph on the topic “AI writing tools”

Jasper Template example - Introduction paragraph produced through Commands template (Output)

Company Bio

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You can use this Jasper template to create Company Bio for your company which you can then proudly display on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media handles.

For example, this is HP’s company bio on Linked in

image 84
HP company bio on Linkedin.com

I tried this template for a fictitious company named ‘RobustDisk‘ that manufactures infallible data storage devices. Here’s the input that I gave —

Jasper Template example - Company Bio template (Input)

And here’s the output —

Jasper Template example - Company Bio template (Output)

Content Improver

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If you already have a piece of written content that you want to polish further, you can use this template.

I tried this template to improve the content produced by the ‘company bio’ template above.

Here’s the output —

Jasper Template example - Company Bio template (Output)

That’s pretty neat. It looks as if a professional copywriter wrote this!

Creative Story

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You can use this Jasper template to write a creative story. You have to give a plot in brief and it will take it from there.

I tried it with the following input —

Jasper Template example -Creative Story (Input)

It took about 20 seconds and produced 3 outputs, all of which were great.

From the word choices and expressions, they looked strangely human-generated. If you didn’t know, you couldn’t identify if they were written by a human or a robot.

One of the outputs was this —

Jasper Template example -Creative Story (Output)

Email Subject Lines

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If you are into email marketing or have an email list, this one is for you.

The Click-through-rate (CTR) of marketing emails across all industries was 2.3% in 2021.

If you want to trump that, you need to write a compelling subject line. The subject should spark an itch that the reader can’t resist scratching.

I tried this email for a made-up new free keywords research course. Here’s my input —

Jasper Template example - Email Subject Lines (Input)

Jasper produced a few subject lines —

Jasper Template example - Email Subject Lines (Output)

I’d say, the second and the fourth are particularly popular in email marketing. I myself have received a few marketing emails with subject lines similar to these.

Engaging Questions

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If you are a reporter, speaker, or guest lecturer, this template is a boon for you. You can make your speeches more engaging and interactive by asking your audience a few questions on the topic of your speech.

Not only will it interest the audience, but it will also cue you on how much your audience has gotten out of your lecture.

I tried this template for a speaker who is addressing global leaders on cryptocurrency. Here’s the input I fed Jasper —

Jasper Template example -Engaging Questions (Input)

Jasper produced this output —

Jasper Template example -Engaging Questions (Output)

Explain It To a Child

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You can use this template to rephrase complex concepts in a language easy enough to understand by the general public.

To try this template, I opened Jasper Chat and asked what is cryptocurrency—

Jasper Chat Example

Clearly, the answer it gives is not easy enough to understand. So I copied this text and fed to this template (Explain it to a child). —

Jasper Template example - Explain it to a child (Input)

This is the output produced by Jasper —

Jasper Template example - Explain it to a child (Output)

I would say, that’s not much of an improvement over the existing text. I copied this output text and again put it in this template as input.

It didn’t change much. Jasper kept repeating itself. It produced the same text with a few minor word changes here and there. So, this template is not much help.

Facebook Ad Headline

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When you run advertisements on Facebook, you have to give it a headline which is displayed below the visual (image or video).

A great headline boosts your click through rate whereas a mediocre one goes unnoticed. What’s more, there is a character limit of 40 characters on Facebook headlines so you have to show your creativity within these 40 characters.

Facebok Ad Headline Jasper template can help you with that.

I tried out this template for an advertisement of blue-light filtering anti-glare glasses from a company called ‘KeepScreen’.

This was my input —

Jasper Template example - Facebook Ad Headline (Input)

I ran this template a couple of times and generated 9 headlines. A few of them are here —

Jasper Template example - Facebook Ad Headline (Output)

All headlines are great except the first and the fifth. They are over the 40-character limit imposed by Facebook. I you wanna use those, they need a little tweaking.

Facebook Ad Primary Text

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Similar to the Facebook Ad Headline template shown above, Facebook Ad Primary Text template can be used to create the primary text for a Facebook Ad that is shown Above the visual (image or video) of the ad.

The character limit for primary text for a Facebook Ad is 125 characters.

I tried out this template for the same example of ‘Blue-light filtering anti-glare glasses’. Here’s the input —

Jasper Template example - Facebook Ad Primary Text (Input)

Here’s the output —

Jasper Template example - Facebook Ad Primary Text (Output)

All the outputs produced by Jasper were over the 125-character limit, so they will be truncated using three dots followed by ‘See more’ (See more).

Feature to Benefit template

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It is often said in advertising and marketing that —

Don’t focus on the features of your product. Instead, show how it benefits your potential customer.

Apple is really great at this. They don’t advertise that Macbooks now sport a 25% larger battery. Instead, they highlight the fact that MacBooks now last for up to 18 hours on a single charge.

You can use this template to convert features of your product into benefits for your customers.

Don’t sell the product. Sell the transformation.

I continued on with the anti-glare eyeglasses example demonstrated above. Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates : Feature to Benefit (Input)

Here’s what Jasper threw up —

Jasper AI templates: Feature to Benefit (Output)

That’s a great job.

After running this test, I became curious and decided to run it once again for a ‘Macbook with a 25% larger battery’.

Jasper AI templates: Feature to Benefit (Input) Jasper AI is sometimes as good as Apple Copywriters.

This is what Jasper came up with —

Jasper AI templates: Feature to Benefit (Output) (Macbook with longer battery)
Jasper AI is sometimes as good as Apple Copywriters.

I am impressed. Jasper knows how to turn a product feature into a benefit.

I know it is a stretch to say this but in this case, Jasper is working as good as the copywriters at Apple.

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When you place an ad with Google, you are presented with the opportunity to write 3 headlines. These headlines show up separated by a pipe character ( ‘|’ ) and can be up to 30 characters long.

Google Ad Headline Example

The success of your ad depends on the hook of your headline. Most ad writers struggle to write an attention-grabbing headline within 30 characters.

Supposedly, this Jasper template can help you with that. Let’s take it for a spin.

I tried to write a headline for a Google ad for a web hosting company that claims 100% uptime.

Jasper AI templates: Google Ads Headline (Input)

This is what Jasper came up with —

Jasper AI templates: Google Ads Headline (Output)

I am not super impressed with the headlines but at least the last two comply with the 30-character limit imposed by Google.

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Again, Ads on Google need a description and they must be compelling for users to click. This Jasper template is for that.

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You can provide up to 2 descriptions for your ads and they both can be up to 90 characters long.

I tried this template with the same product that I demoed above on the Google Ad Headlines template — ‘A web hosting service that offers 100% uptime’.

This was my input —

Jasper AI templates: Google Ads Description (Input)

This is what I got —

Jasper AI templates: Google Ads Description (Output)

These are good. Not great, but good. All of them, however, respect the 90-character limit on ad descriptions imposed by Google.

Google My Business – Event Post

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Google My Business (GMB) is a service that helps businesses get more visibility on Google.

Assume it to be like a social media platform for businesses. Business accounts can post on their profile, create events, and even promote their products.

This is what a GMB post looks like —

Businesses can create Event Posts to promote any events they are organizing. For example, a burger joint might organize a Burger Fest which would attract people to its restaurant.

I tried this template with this input —

Jasper AI templates: Google My Business - Event Post (Input)

Here’s the output that I got —

Jasper AI templates: Google My Business - Event Post (Output)

Google My Business – Offer Post

Jasper AI templates: Google My Business - Event Post (Output)

Similar to the GMB Event Post, businesses can create an offer post where they can offer something for free or at a discounted price to lure new customers.

I tried this template for an eyeglasses company —

Jasper AI templates: Google My Business - Offer Post (Input)

This is the output —

Jasper AI templates example: Google My Business - Offer Post (Output)


Google My Business – Product Description

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If you are promoting your products on GMB, you need a persuasive product description.

This Jasper Template can help with that.

I tested this template for a gaming mouse named ‘RollingMouse’ which has ultrahigh precision.

My input —

Jasper AI templates: Google My Business - Product Description (Input)

This is the output that I got —

Jasper AI templates example: Google My Business - Product Description (Output)

Great. Fine by me!

Google My Business – What’s New Post

image 121

You can update your customers about anything, whether it be the news of your expansion to a new city or if you have launched a new product or service.

This template does just that. You give it the update and it will produce a chunk of text to go along with that.

Here’s what I gave it —

Jasper AI templates: Google My Business - What's new Post (Input)

Here are two outputs that Jasper came up with —

Jasper AI templates example: Google My Business - What's new Post (Output)


Jasper.ai Testimonial Helper

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This is an experimental template (still in Beta). Its name might change by the time you read this blog.

This is a testimonial generator. You give it some feedback about a product and it transforms it into a full-blown testimonial.

Currently, all the testimonials it generates are about Jasper.ai itself, hence the name.

Input —

Jasper AI templates: Jasper.ai Testimonial Helper (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates example: Jasper.ai Testimonial Helper (Output)

I also tested it for negative feedback and it works like a charm.


image 144

When writing a blog post, you need a list of sub-headings to speed up your workflow.

This template generates sub-headings along with a brief description so that you can edit and polish them according to your needs.

I generated a listicle on “Benefits of drinking Green tea”. Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates: Listicle (Input)

This is the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Listicle (Output)


Marketing Angles

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You can use this template to come up with different ideas for your marketing campaign.

I tried this template for a Power bank company.

Jasper AI templates examples: Marketing Angles template (Input)

This is what I received —

Jasper AI templates examples: Marketing Angles template (Output)

It shows you different angles or benefits from which you can lure customers to your product.

Mini-VSL (Video Sales Letter)

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When a company starts marketing a new product, one of the channels is a short 90-seconds video. This template can help you create an engaging and structured script for that.

I tried this template for a robot company that manufactures robots to help people with new family responsibilities, mostly people who have just turned 30.

This template requires a number of inputs, like your name, company name, your ideal audience, key benefits of your product, problems faced by customers, your big idea, and a few more.

Not all of them are required, but the more info you provide, the more targeted and customized your script will be.

I fed this to Jasper —

Jasper AI templates examples: Mini VSL (Video Sales Letter) template (Input)

This is what Jasper came up with —

Jasper AI templates examples: Mini VSL (Video Sales Letter) template (Output)

Not bad for a script!

One-shot Blog Post

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As the name suggests, you can use this template to generate a full blog post in just one click.

All it asks for is your Blog Topic, Tone of Voice, and Intended Audience.

Jasper AI templates examples: One-shot Blog Post template (Input)

This is what Jasper produced —

Jasper AI templates examples: One-shot Blog Post template (Output)

It has everything — Full title, H2 – Introduction, H2 – What is Bitcoin Mining, H2 – Should you try it? H2 – Conclusion.

It has a total of 372 words and 9 paragraphs. If 372 words are not enough for me, I can use this template again to produce entire blog posts on each H2 subheading which will give me enough content to edit and trim down to 1500 words.


Paragraph Generator

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As is clear from the title, this template can construct a paragraph on any topic within seconds.

I used it to conjure up a paragraph about Lexica.art – The AI art tool.

Jasper AI templates examples: Paragraph Generator template (Input)

This is the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Paragraph Generator template (Output)

PAS Framework

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PAS is another framework for intriguing people and getting them interested in your offer.

PAS framework for marketing: (Problem-Agitate-Solution)

Problem — Start by stating an obvious problem your target customers are facing.

Agitate — Expand on how this problem is affecting your customers’ lives. Drive the point further. Rub salt in the wound.

Solution — Be a savior and offer your product as the solution to that problem.

I tested out this template with the MacBook example itself.

Jasper AI templates examples: PAS Framework (Input)

This was the output thrown up by Jasper AI —

Jasper AI templates examples: PAS Framework (Output)

I would have liked it better if it were a little more dramatic and provocative. Nevertheless, it’s a fine PAS copy.

Perfect Headline

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You can use this template to generate some great headlines for your business.

All you have to do is feed it your product description, company/product name, and customer Avatar.

Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Perfect Headline (Input)

Here are a few outputs produced by Jasper AI —

Jasper AI templates examples: Perfect Headline (Output)

Personal Bio

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You can write a personal bio using this Jasper template.

You can choose to display your personal bio on popular social media and other popular sites such as Quora and LinkedIn. Therefore it should bring out your expertise, experience, or interests that show why you are an authority on a subject.

This is what I threw at Jasper —

Jasper AI templates examples: Personal Bio (Input)

And this is what Jasper threw at me —

Jasper AI templates examples: Personal Bio (Output)


Personalized Cold Emails

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If you have an email list of subscribers or if you are into email marketing, this template is for you.

The content of an email decides if your campaign will boost your sales or bite the dust.

I tested this template to learn how it fares against professional copywriters. This is the input that I gave —

Jasper AI templates examples: Personalized Cold Emails Framework (Input)

And this is the response that I received back —

Jasper AI templates examples: Personalized Cold Emails Framework (Output)

It works fine. I like this copy. It’s coherent and persuasive.

It starts off with a fact, states a problem that most people suffer from, and then offers SEOclick course as the solution.


Personal LinkedIn Post

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This Jasper template can help you write your own personal take on various subjects.

You can also write about problems/struggles that you faced and the ways in which you tackled those problems.

Unlike most other Jasper templates, this template can be used to write something which truly connects your readers to you. Your readers can relate to you if they are facing the same issues that you faced.

I tried this template for a ‘Blogger’ who had learned blogging the hard way. Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Personal LinkedIn Post (Input)

Here’s the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Personal LinkedIn Post (Output)

Works like a charm!

Persuasive Bullet Points

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You can use this template to create a bullet list of points about your product to persuade the customer to buy it.

I tried this template for an SEO product called Surfer SEO.

Jasper AI templates examples: Persuasive Bullet Points template (Input)

Here’s the output that I received —

Jasper AI templates examples: Persuasive Bullet Points template (Output)

Photo Post Captions

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Oftentimes, when you post your photo on Instagram, you don’t know what to write in captions. Use this template to overcome that.

I created photo captions for a photo of the Taj Mahal at sunrise.

Jasper AI templates examples: Instagram Photo Post Captions template (Input)

Here are a few outputs generated by Jasper —

Jasper AI templates examples: Instagram Photo Post Captions template (Output)

It’s unreal. Not only it automatically added hashtags, but it also threw in a few emojis to match the vibe!

Pinterest Pin Title and Description

image 158

When you post on Pinterest, you need to give your posts a title and a description.

This template can help you with that. I tried to create a Pin title and description for a computer setup.

Jasper AI templates examples: Pinterest Pin Title & Description template (Input)

Here are a few outputs —

Jasper AI templates examples: Pinterest Pin Title & Description template (Output)

Poll Questions and Multiple Choice Answers

image 159

You can create polls to engage with your audience. Polls are wildly popular on Twitter and YouTube.

To create a poll, you pose a question to your audience and supply 4 possible answers. The audience can then vote on the answer they like most.

I stepped into the template and wrote this —

Jasper AI templates examples: Poll Questions & Multiple Choice Answers template (Input)

This is what Jasper came up with —

Jasper AI templates examples: Poll Questions & Multiple Choice Answers template (Output)


Press Release Title and Intro

image 160

This template helps in crafting press release titles and Intros.

Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Press Release Title and Intro template (Input)

Here’s the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Press Release Title and Intro template (Output)

Product Descriptions

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This template isn’t something new. We have seen a few templates to write product descriptions for example Amazon Product Description, Google Ads description, and so on.

This is my input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Product Description template (Input)

This was the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Product Description template (Output)

Quora Answers

image 162

Jasper can help you write answers on Quora. This can help you in establishing yourself as an authority on a topic. You can build an audience and then funnel some of that audience toward your digital products or website.

I went on Quora and found this excellent question —

Jasper AI templates examples: Quora Answers template (Input)

I fed this question to this Jasper template and was greeted with this —

Jasper AI templates examples: Quora Answers (Output)

Not bad! Not bad at all.

Real Estate Listing – Residential

image 163

As the name suggests, this template can be used to write creative descriptions for real estate listings.

Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Real Estate Listing - Residential (Input)

This is the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Real Estate Listing - Residential (output)

Works great!

Review Responder

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If you work in customer service or support, this template will work wonders for you. Instead of coming up with new responses to customers’ queries by yourselves, Jasper can assist you in crafting great responses.

To test this template, I went ahead on Amazon and copied a negative review of a Lenovo Laptop left by a disappointed customer.

I put that in this template —

Jasper AI templates examples: Review Responder (Input)

And here’s the response that Jasper AI gave —

Jasper AI templates examples: Review Responder (Output)

This is great! Most replies I have received in response to my complaints sound exactly like this.

Ridiculous Marketing Ideas

Jasper AI templates examples: Ridiculous Marketing Ideas (Input)

As the Jasper team has already captioned it, this template is a joke.

Jasper AI templates examples: Ridiculous Marketing Ideas (Input)

It produces garbage.

Jasper AI templates examples: Ridiculous Marketing Ideas (Output)

Don’t use this for your marketing.

Sentence Expander

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This is self-explanatory. You seed this template by giving it a sentence and it expands it to a full-fledged paragraph.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Sentence Expander (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Sentence Expander (Output)


SEO – Blog Posts – Title and Meta Descriptions

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You can use this template to quickly come up with a title and a meta description for your blog posts.

When your blog post is shown by Google, it displays a title and a meta description.

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If you don’t provide a meta description, Google pulls one automatically from the webpage depending on what it deems most relevant to the query.

Of course, to get more clicks, we have to write attention-grabbing title and meta descriptions. This Jasper template can help you do that.

Here’s my input —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Blog Posts - Title and Meta Descriptions (Input)

Here are the outputs —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Blog Posts - Title and Meta Descriptions (Output)

SEO – Homepage – Title and Meta Descriptions

image 168

Similar in functionality to the above template, this is for landing pages of products that drive conversions.

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Homepage - Title and Meta Descriptions (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Homepage - Title and Meta Descriptions (Output)

SEO – Product Page – Title and Meta Descriptions

image 169

Same wine, packaged in a different bottle!

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Product Page - Title and Meta Descriptions (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Product Page - Title and Meta Descriptions (Output)

SEO – Services Pages – Title and Meta Descriptions

image 170

Same! 😐

They just replaced the product with the service in the previous and voila! a new template.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Service Pages - Title and Meta Descriptions (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: SEO - Service Pages - Title and Meta Descriptions (Output)

Text Summarizer

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This template can be used to summarize a block of text into a few simple sentences.

I generated a paragraph on ‘Bitcoin Mining’ using ChatGPT and fed it to this template —

Jasper AI templates examples: Text Summarizer (Input)

Here are 3 possible summaries of the above, according to Jasper —

Jasper AI templates examples: Text Summarizer (Output)

TikTok Video Captions

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If you create TikTok videos, this is for you. You can create captions or scripts for your TikTok videos.

I tested this template to create a script for a video on the topic ‘AI tools will soon explode in popularity’.

Jasper AI templates examples: TikTok Video Captions (Input)

These are the outputs produced by Jasper —

Jasper AI templates examples: TikTok Video Captions (Output)

Tone Detector

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Let’s try a fun experiment with this one.

Let’s whip up a paragraph through the Paragraph Generator template in a witty tone.

Jasper AI templates examples: Paragraph Generator (Witty Tone) (Input)

Here’s our paragraph —

Jasper AI templates examples: Paragraph Generator (Witty Tone) (Output)

Now, let’s copy and paste it into the tone-detector template.

Jasper AI templates examples: Paragraph Generator (Tone Detector) (input)

This was the output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Paragraph Generator (Tone Detector) (output)

Ah! none of them is “witty”. So, either this template lies or that one does 😉!

This can be excused though, for all the amazing things that Jasper does.

Tweet Machine

image 174

Produce tweets for your Twitter timeline.

I tested it for a company that wants to inform its customers that their free trial has been extended.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Tweet Machine (input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Tweet Machine (Output)

I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised by this.

I ran it twice more. Now I have 30 great tweets (with hashtags!) which can be posted on Twitter, and nobody will know if they were indeed written by a human.

Great job, Jasper!

Unique Value Propositions

image 175

More of the same!

It claims to rewrite product descriptions into succinct specific statements.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Unique Value Propositions (input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Unique Value Propositions (Output)

Video Description – YouTube

image 176

Write YouTube video descriptions with this template.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Video Description - YouTube (input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Video Description - YouTube (Output)

Video Script Hook and Introduction

image 177

Create an introduction paragraph and a captivating hook to enthrall your audience.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Script Hook and Introduction (input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Script Hook and Introduction (Output)

Video Script Outline

image 178

Create an outline upon which you can expand your video script.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Script Outline (input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Script Outline (Output)

Video Titles

image 179

Generate titles for your videos.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Titles (input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Titles (Output)

These are all great headlines, in my opinion.

Video Topic Ideas

image 180

Generate tons of topic ideas to make videos.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Topic Ideas (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: YouTube Video Topic Ideas (Output)

Website Sub-headline

image 181

Create sub-headlines (H2) for your landing pages.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Website Sub-headline template (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Website Sub-headline template (Output)

Seems like a gimmick!

Blog Post Topic Ideas

image 182

Quickly generate new topic ideas for you to write blog posts on. It works similarly to the YouTube video ideas template.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Topic Ideas (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Topic Ideas (Output)

Blog Post Intro Paragraph

image 183

Self-explanatory. Works similarly to the YouTube video hook and intro template.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Intro Paragraph template (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Intro Paragraph template (Output)

Blog Post Outline

image 184

Works similarly to the YouTube video script outline template.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Intro Paragraph template (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Intro Paragraph template (Output)

Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph

image 185

This is pretty self-explanatory.

Input —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph template (Input)

Output —

Jasper AI templates examples: Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph template (Output)


In this article, I explained all 60+ Jasper Templates with their examples and screenshots.

We saw that most of the templates work exceptionally well (for ex. Instagram Photo Post Captions, Tweet machine, feature to benefits), some produce average quality output, and one or two are plain gimmicks.

We also saw that many of the templates were repackaged with different names with little to no difference between them, but, nevertheless, there is something for everyone here.

It doesn’t matter if you are a student, blogger, fiction writer, YouTuber, or copywriter, you will surely find templates that are suited to your workflow. Templates that are tailor-made for you.

All in all, I’d say Jasper AI is a fantastic piece of software. I’m still incredulous that an AI writing tool writes (sometimes) better or at least as well as professional copywriters.

That was all from my side in this article. If I left something out, please let me know in the comments and I will update this post.

Thanks for reading!