11 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts to Write Great Meta descriptions

Writing compelling meta descriptions for blog posts can be a tedious and time-consuming task. However, with the right prompts, ChatGPT can generate effective meta descriptions quickly and easily.

 In this article, I’ll provide 11 awesome ChatGPT prompts that you can use to create meta descriptions that attract clicks and get your blog posts found.

Let’s dive in.

What is a meta-description

A meta description is a short 1-2 sentence summary of a web page that appears under the title in search engine results pages (SERPs).

ChatGPT prompts for meta descriptions: What is meta description.

A high-quality meta description:

– Briefly summarizes the blog post content 

– Uses relevant keywords

– Is under 145 characters so it won’t get cut off

– Persuades readers to click and read the full post

The goal of the meta description is to convince readers that the post will solve their problem, leading them to click through from the search results. Since it’s the only thing besides the headline that users see in SERPs, optimizing it can help drive more traffic to your blog.

🤔 Note that you are not absolutely required to write meta descriptions yourself. If you don’t write one, search engines will auto-generate it from the post. However, we don’t want to leave things to Google, so it’s always better to specify your meta descriptions yourself.

Also read: How to craft a PERFECT domain name with ChatGPT

ChatGPT prompts to write great Meta-descriptions

Let’s now see some ChatGPT prompts that will help you craft compelling meta descriptions.


The first and foremost is a straightforward prompt: simply ask ChatGPT to write you a meta description and see what it comes up with. 

For example, if your blog post is about “How to get on the first page of Google”, you might try this prompt:

Write me 10 meta descriptions for a blog post on “How to get on the first page of Google”. Keep them under 145 characters.

As we haven’t specified what kind of meta descriptions we are looking for, ChatGPT will produce generic responses. It’s time to spice them up and make them engaging.

Take inspiration from others

One of the best ways to write compelling meta descriptions is to learn from what others are writing.

Carry out this experiment: open a new browser window in private mode, then search for your keyword. See what comes up. If the top results are occupied by the paid ads, that’s even better because meta descriptions for the paid ads are mostly written by professional copywriters.

Now, for the query “How to get on the first page of Google”, 3 of the results describe the steps in a numbered format in their meta descriptions:

ChatGPT prompts to write great meta descriptions: Take inspiration from what others are writing.

So, it would be a good idea to write your own meta description as a list of steps as well. 

This ChatGPT prompt will work well to generate such meta descriptions:

Write a meta description for the blog post titled “How to get on the first page of Google”. The meta description should list out steps in a numbered format to entice the user.

If your headings and sub-headings already list out the steps, you can feed those headings to ChatGPT:

Write a meta description for the blog post titled “How to get on the first page of Google”. My headings are “………………………………………………..”. 

Also read: 51 Insane ChatGPT prompts for advertising (FREE)

Make them engaging

There are several commands you can give ChatGPT to force it to write something worthwhile. It’s all about the angle at which we want to approach our meta descriptions. 

Below are some tactics you can use to make your meta descriptions more click-worthy.

Ask Questions

Write 5 meta descriptions for a blog post on “How to get on the first page of Google”. 

The meta description should ask 2 short and punchy questions in the beginning and then suggest this blog post as their answer. Keep the description under 145 characters

Here’s the output:

image 13

Use compelling adjectives

Write 5 meta descriptions for a blog post on “How to get on the first page of Google”. 

Use some compelling or hyperbolic adjectives to make it impactful.

Also read: 13 Insane Hacks to Write Great Headlines with ChatGPT

Evoke a sense of Intrigue or curiosity

Write 5 meta descriptions for a blog post on “How to get on the first page of Google”. Begin by writing something that makes the viewer curious or intrigued. 

Jolt the reader with a shocking fact

Write 5 meta descriptions for a blog post on “How to get on the first page of Google”. Begin by writing a shocking fact and then suggest this blog post as a comforting element.

Social Proof

Write 5 meta descriptions for a blog post on “How to get on the first page of Google”.  Start by giving some social proof about the topic and then convince the reader to click this link.

Include Strong Call to Action (CTAs)

Calls to action (CTAs) like “Learn more” or “Get started” should be included in meta descriptions. CTAs encourage readers to click through to your full blog post or take a desired action like signing up for a newsletter.

When writing a meta description, ask ChatGPT to suggest strong CTAs that will compel readers to click your link in the search results. Well-written CTAs not only improve click-through rates but also help drive conversions and actions on your site.

Try this prompt:

Write me 10 compelling calls to action (CTAs) and suggest their merits and use cases in a markdown table.

Also read: Jasper AI vs ChatGPT (Head to Head): The ULTIMATE Battle

Based on the summary of your blog post

What if you wanted an AI tool to write meta descriptions after reading your entire blog post itself? Well, you can do that too. 

The trick is simple, hit publish on your blog post, and copy its URL. Then, in an AI tool that can access live internet ( such as Bing.com, Perplexity.ai), type in a prompt like this:

I want a few compelling meta descriptions for this blog post: [URL_OF_BLOGPOST]. Crawl this link, analyze its content, and then craft meta descriptions that capture the essence of this blog post.

You can also make the AI chatbot write or emphasize key benefits or values that users will gain after reading this blog post.

I want you to write a few meta descriptions for the blog post at this URL: [URL_OF_BLOGPOST]. Highlight the advantages or benefits the reader will get after reading my blog post.

Include keywords for SEO

Write me a meta description for a blog post on “[Blog post title]”. The keywords for this blog post are _____________ and ________________. Make sure to include them or their variations in it.


Writing good meta descriptions for blog posts is key to getting more clicks and traffic from search engines. The right ChatGPT prompts can help generate catchy descriptions tailored to your content.

Keep in mind that there are endless ways you can customize your ChatGPT prompts. Each prompt will add just a little twist to the way your meta descriptions turn out. 

So experiment with them and see what works. 

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