Find the Perfect Niche with ChatGPT: The ULTIMATE Guide

Do you want to learn how to come up with a great niche with ChatGPT for your blog? A niche that’s not only profitable but also sparse in competition? This is the article for you.

Finding a great niche is crucial for your blogging success. Choose a boring topic and you don’t get any visitors. Go with a popular one and you get lost in the competition.

With so many niches to pick from, it quickly becomes difficult to choose a niche that strikes the correct blend of your passion, market demand, and monetization opportunities.

Thankfully, we now have ChatGPT to help us. ChatGPT is a super-intelligent AI chatbot that can respond to your queries and give you answers in the format you desire.

As one of the largest language models trained on billions of tokens, ChatGPT can help you find the right niche for your blog by giving you personalized advice and insights.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll talk about how ChatGPT can help you find a profitable niche and give you tips you can use to make your blogging journey a success.

What makes a niche great

Before we learn how to find a perfect niche with ChatGPT, we need to learn what makes a niche great.

Your interest or passion

Building a blog around a topic that you are interested in makes the task 80% easier. You don’t have to force yourself to learn and write about it, since you are naturally interested in it.

A topic that you know something about will not only give you an edge over your competitors but also prompt you to write well-researched, thorough content.

It should be something that doesn’t give you strain when you are faced with the prospect of writing an article about it. Your niche should inspire you to do a little research, watch videos and learn more about it.

I write about AI because I am genuinely interested in all things tech. Most of my free time goes into fiddling with, reading about, or watching videos on the latest tech inventions and gadgets.

I don’t need any external motivation to write about it. I tinker with ChatGPT (and other AI tools) almost every day and write about things I learn in the process.

The same goes for your hobbies or passion — if you have a habit of solving puzzles, it can be a great niche for your blog. If you like to learn about coding or building websites, you can write about them.

Your passion shows in your content and your readers can instantly connect with you on a personal level.

Although people have created profitable authoritative blogs around topics they don’t care about, starting with a familiar topic certainly helps, especially if you are doing it for the first time.

Growth Potential

A good niche has a growth outlook, not a diminishing one. Market demand or reader’s interest in it shouldn’t fizzle out any time soon.

Also, it must have scope for new and fresh content. If you can’t immediately find 30 articles to write in your niche, you have gone too narrow. You need to expand your niche a little bit.

You can use Google Trends to check out the popularity (or seasonality) of a topic.


Blogging is a great way to channel your creative energy but it doesn’t hurt to earn some money on the side. In fact, most people start a blog to build it as a business, and that’s an honorable thing.

Your niche should have ample monetization opportunities. Almost all blogs can be monetized through ads but other monetization options vary from niche to niche.

For example, a blog focused on products and services earns primarily through affiliate commissions whereas a tutorial blog (Coding, Adobe Photoshop, Graphic Design, etc) earns by selling ebooks and online courses.

Not super competitive

Your niche shouldn’t be super competitive. However, mild competition is expected in almost every niche and is, in fact, desirable.

A niche barren of any competition isn’t drawing a lot of visitors or making any money. In contrast, a niche having a lot of earning potential is fiercely contested.

Take, for example, web hosting. The affiliate commission for web hosting goes up as high as $200 per sign-up ($65 is average). It has also been around for almost 3 decades. It is near impossible to crack the first page of google for any keyword related to web hosting, even for well-established blogs that are 3-4 years old.

Lured by these crazy high commission rates, I myself wanted to start a blog focused on web hosting. Thankfully, my mind was soon rid of such foolhardy ideas after doing a little more research.

Lesson learned — don’t go after money, follow a topic that you like and money will follow.

How to test if a niche is competitive or not

The best way to test the competitiveness of a niche is simply to google “best + primary keyword”:

Niche with ChatGPT: Don't go for super competitive niches like Web hosting

The first three search results are sponsored. The number of sponsored results at the top of the page is directly proportional to the competitiveness of a topic.

Another way is to use a keyword research tool like Semrush:

image 10

The red dot with 100 denotes its keyword difficulty — how difficult it is to rank on the first page of Google. The column beside the KD shows CPC (cost per click) that companies pay when a user clicks on their sponsored link.

You want to steer clear of keywords having keyword difficulty north of 50.

Other highly competitive niches are weight loss, fitness, personal finance and investing, digital marketing, and SEO.

How to find a profitable niche with ChatGPT

Now that we have covered what we are looking for in a niche, it’s time to zero in on one.

Let’s start with the first point — your passion or hobby or interest.

Find your interest or hobby

The points outlined below will help you find your hobbies that might be worth writing about.

Don’t worry about monetization just yet. You can earn money through any niche via many different channels. Right now, just focus on finding topics that interest you.

Try these tips:

Things you read about or watch videos of

Think of things you like to read about (cooking, chess, finance) or watch videos about on YouTube (film stars, gadgets, cooking, gaming, kids’ toys or gadgets, photography), etc. Nothing speaks about your interest more than your reading or browsing history on YouTube.

Are you a go-to resource for something

Is there something that your friends and family call you for help with?

Maybe you have a great dressing sense, or maybe you travel a lot and know a lot of travel hacks. Maybe they like the photographs you take, maybe you play a great piano, maybe you have terrific driving skills. Maybe you are a phenomenal writer and your colleagues compliment you often.

(My friends always call me whenever they have a tech issue or want to do something which the computer isn’t allowing them to.)

What did you like as a child?

Think of things you liked most when you were a child — If you had a hobby or a passion for something when you were a child but couldn’t take it any further, this is the time to revive that hobby.

I always find immense pleasure in doing all the things that I wanted to do as a child but couldn’t. I wanted to play with a computer (got 2 of them now), wanted to read tons of books (got an iPad and a Kindle), and wanted access to unlimited high-speed internet (got broadband now).

When you find an activity that you really enjoyed as a child, you would probably like to get into it as an adult. Who knows, you might as well pull a successful business out of it too.

Are you a knowledge worker?

If you are a knowledge worker by day, you have a great advantage. Professionals always outdo amateurs when it comes to expertise. Nobody knows about your job better than you.

You can build a blog around your job. If you are a coder by day, start a coding blog. If you are a freelance graphic designer, start a blog around graphic design or digital illustrations.

I have come across hundreds of blogs written by professionals. Such blogs succeed because they do what they preach. These bloggers do their job during the day and then blog about it at night.

Readers also connect with these bloggers instantly since they know what they are reading has been written by a professional, not a wannabe.

Are you a teacher

If you already teach something offline, it is time to take things online.

Hundreds of people have earned themselves a lasting reputation just by taking their teaching skills online. For example, Colt Steele was an instructor in San Fransisco Bay Area but he struck gold when he recorded and posted his web development courses online on Udemy. He has taught nearly 1.5 million students to date and has earned tens of millions of dollars in the process.

Are you learning something?

It might sound paradoxical but you can also teach something that you yourselves are learning. Often, the best teacher is not the person who is at the top of the game but one who is just a few steps ahead of you.

A person who is just two steps ahead of you knows what it is like to be in your position, what problems you are facing, and what is confounding you. People who know everything are often bad at teaching because of the curse of knowledge — they assume that things obvious to them are obvious to everybody, which isn’t true, especially for beginners.

Who do you think can teach you algebra better—your teacher who knows everything or your friend who learned it yesterday and was in the same position as you the day before?

Ask yourself, are you learning something or interested in learning something? It can be anything really — guitar, touch typing, coding, driving, character drawing.

You can even learn something by day and write about it in your own words by night.

People who are having trouble learning something like reading articles written by people who had the same problem and found their own way to solve it.

ChatGPT prompts to find the perfect niche

I now provide a few ChatGPT prompts that will help you find a perfect niche for your blog.

I start my research by seeding ChatGPT with a broad topic that I am interested in — I take ‘photography’ for example.

I give this prompt to ChatGPT:

I want to create a profitable blog. I am interested in photography.

Suggest me a few niches or topics related to photography around which I can create my blog. The niche should not be too competitive or on a downward trend.

Also suggest the monetization opportunities that are available with each niche. Also include the monetisation through affiliates and/or sales of courses and ebooks.

The data should be in a markdown table format.

Sure enough, ChatGPT throws up this list of niches:

Find a perfect niche with ChatGPT: ChatGPT is excellent at suggesting potential niches of a broader niche.

Note that ChatGPT isn’t a reliable source to determine the competitiveness and popularity of a niche. It doesn’t have access to the latest data to make such decisions.

Use a keyword research tool like Semrush to find out how competitive a niche is and Google Trends to find out how popular a topic has been over time.

If you find a niche that interests you, you can proceed to the next step. Otherwise, you can just ask ChatGPT to give you the list of 10 more niches related to photography.

In the list thrown up by ChatGPT, “Drone Photography” interests me; let’s dig deeper.

If you decide to further niche down, you can ask ChatGPT to give you a list of sub-niches within the “drone photography” category.

I am interested in drone photography. Suggest me some niches related to it. I want to further niche down my blog.

ChatGPT happily obliges and gives you this list of drone photography sub-niches:

ChatGPT can suggest niche down ideas

I, however, don’t like to niche further down than “drone photography”. I want my topic to be broad enough to have ample scope for fresh content and revenue streams.

I will stick to the niche at this level and further explore its monetization potential:

Okay, I am interested in drone photography. Suggest me a few more channels through which I can monetize this niche.

This is the output:

Niche with ChatGPT: ChatGPT can suggest monetization options for almost every niche.

I like where this is going. I am intrigued by the prospect of selling my drone footage on Shutterstock and iStock.

Now, I just need to generate a list of blog post ideas, see if they are worthwhile, and decide if this niche is for me or not.

This ChatGPT prompt works best for me —

Suggest me 50 possible blog post ideas on “drone photography”. The articles should be monetizable so that I can sprinkle some affiliate links in them.

ChatGPT Output

ChatGPT cannot only suggest niches but also the blog post ideas for those niches.

Read these titles thoroughly. Identify the affiliate opportunities and tutorials in these blog posts.

Remember, your blog posts should be a mixture of guides (“how-to”, “detailed tutorials”), reviews, round-ups (“10 best drones”, “top 10 cameras”), and comparisons (“vs”).

ChatGPT doesn’t by default throws up reviews and comparison blog post ideas but you can (and should) write them after identifying popular products in your niche.

If this niche is worth my time and effort, I go ahead with this one otherwise, I start this process over.

Random niches

If you don’t want to create a blog around your interest or are in it just for the money, you don’t have to start with a seed niche.

You can ask ChatGPT for some non-competitive niches. ChatGPT comes up with a few novel niches that have not already been beaten to death by bloggers.

Here’s the prompt that I give to ChatGPT:

Suggest me a list of 100 niches that are not competitive and can be monetized through affiliate marketing easily.

This is what ChatGPT comes up with —

ChatGPT can also come up with niches without any seed keyword.

Most of the niches suggested by ChatGPT are in an upward trend and unlikely to peter out anytime soon. You can choose any one of these niches and dig deeper for potential revenue streams and blog post ideas.

Suppose, I am interested in air purifiers. I can ask ChatGPT to niche down on it —

I am interested in air purifiers. I want to niche down on it. Give me a list of 20 potential niches related to air purifiers.


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Now, select a niche, research some killer content ideas, and bang out the greatest blog the world has ever seen on your niche.

After you have identified a niche, you can proceed to the next step and generate the perfect domain name for your blog with ChatGPT.


So, that’s it, folks. That’s the best way to choose a great niche with ChatGPT.

We’ve talked about everything, from what makes a good niche to how to find your interests and hobbies to how to use ChatGPT prompts to find niches you never thought of.

Remember, a good niche should be something you’re interested in and that could also make you money. And don’t forget that you don’t want to compete with the big players in a market that is already saturated.

Look for niches that are profitable and have room to grow, and you’ll be well on your way to dominating your niche.

What other tips do you think will work with ChatGPT in generating perfect niches? Tell me in the comments.