87+ Powerful Adjectives That Start With th

If you are looking for adjectives that start with th, you are in the right place.

Adjectives are a writer’s secret weapon, allowing us to paint vivid pictures with our words and bring our stories to life. And when it comes to adjectives that start with ‘th’, the emotions come alive on paper.

These powerful words have a unique ring to them, conjuring up images of thoughtfulness, thrilling adventures, and thunderous applause.

Whether you’re looking for a way to describe a moment of intense emotion or searching for the perfect word to capture the essence of a person, place, or thing, adjectives that start with th are a treasure trove of inspiration.

From the tender touch of something gentle and therapeutic to the titillating sensation of something tantalizing and thrilling, these adjectives pack a punch.

So, in this article, we’ll explore the rich world of adjectives that start with ‘th’ and see how they can elevate your writing to new heights.

Disclaimer: This article was written using ChatGPT, as part of an experiment. You can read about it in this article on ‘startup adjectives’. If you want a more sophisticated and user-friendly AI tool to generate such content, check out Jasper.ai.

Keep scrolling for a list of adjectives that start with th.

Adjectives that start with th

Let’s start our list of adjectives that start with th with familiar simple ones and then we will move on to the more complex ones.

Thick: When something is thick, it means it has a relatively large distance between opposite surfaces or sides. For example, a stack of pancakes can be thick. Sentence: The book was so thick that it took me months to finish reading it.

Thin: When something is thin, it means it has a relatively small distance between opposite surfaces or sides. For example, a sheet of paper can be thin. Sentence: The ice on the lake was so thin that it cracked under the skater’s weight.

Thrilling: When something is thrilling, it means it is exciting or intense. For example, a rollercoaster ride can be thrilling. Sentence: The movie’s plot was so thrilling that I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.

Thoughtful: When something is thoughtful, it means it shows consideration or kindness toward others. For example, a handwritten note can be thoughtful. Sentence: Her husband’s thoughtful gesture of cooking dinner for her after a long day at work made her feel appreciated.

Thorough: When something is thorough, it means it is complete or detailed in its coverage or execution. For example, a thorough cleaning can leave a space sparkling. Sentence: The detective conducted a thorough investigation to find the culprit behind the crime.

Thirsty: When someone is thirsty, it means they need or desire a drink of water or other liquid. For example, after a workout, someone can feel thirsty. Sentence: After walking in the scorching heat for hours, I felt so thirsty that I had to stop for a drink of water.

Thunderous: When something is thunderous, it means it is loud or powerful, like the sound of thunder. For example, a thunderous applause can be heard after a great performance. Sentence: The thunderous sound of the fireworks could be heard from miles away.

Thumping: When something is thumping, it means it is hitting or beating with a heavy or dull sound. For example, a thumping bass can be heard in a music track. Sentence: The runner’s heart was thumping so loud that he could hear it in his ears.

Thrifty: When someone is thrifty, it means they are careful with their money and resources. For example, someone who makes their own clothes instead of buying them can be considered thrifty. Sentence: My grandmother’s thrifty habits of saving everything and reusing them have taught me a lot about sustainability.

Thoroughgoing: When something is thoroughgoing, it means it is absolute or complete. For example, a thoroughgoing reform can change an entire system. Sentence: His thoroughgoing approach to problem-solving helped him find a solution that no one else could.

Thorny: When something is thorny, it means it is difficult or complicated. For example, a thorny issue can be difficult to resolve. Sentence: The negotiations between the two countries were thorny and seemed to be going nowhere.

Thankful: When someone is thankful, it means they are expressing gratitude or appreciation. For example, someone can be thankful for the support of their friends during a difficult time. Sentence: She was so thankful for her parents’ support and guidance throughout her life.

Thymic: When something is thymic, it means it is related to or affecting the thymus gland, which is part of the immune system. For example, a thymic tumor can grow in the thymus gland. Sentence: The doctor ordered a thymic scan to check for any abnormalities in the patient’s thymus gland.

Thuggish: When someone or something is thuggish, it means they are rough, violent, or brutal. For example, a thuggish gang can engage in criminal activities. Sentence: The thuggish behavior of the football players led to their team’s disqualification from the tournament.

Thirst-quenching: When something is thirst-quenching, it means it can satisfy one’s thirst. For example, a cold glass of water can be thirst-quenching on a hot day. Sentence: The thirst-quenching smoothie made with fresh fruits and coconut water was the perfect drink after a workout.

Thievish: When someone or something is thievish, it means they are dishonest or inclined to steal. For example, a thievish thief can rob someone’s house. Sentence: The store owner installed a security camera to prevent any thievish behavior in his store.

Thermodynamic: When something is thermodynamic, it means it relates to the relationship between heat and other forms of energy. For example, a thermodynamic equation can describe the behavior of gases. Sentence: The scientist conducted a thermodynamic experiment to understand the transfer of energy in a closed system.

Theological: When something is theological, it means it is related to the study of religion or religious beliefs. For example, a theological debate can discuss different interpretations of scripture. Sentence: The professor’s theological lectures on the history of Christianity were popular among students.

Thalassic: When something is thalassic, it means it is related to the sea or ocean. For example, a thalassic ecosystem can include various marine creatures. Sentence: The beach resort’s Thalassic spa offered various sea-based treatments for relaxation.

Threepenny: When something is threepenny, it means it is cheap or inexpensive. For example, a threepenny opera can be a musical play that is not expensive to produce. Sentence: The street vendor sold three penny souvenirs that were popular among tourists.

Thrasonical: When someone is thrasonical, it means they are boastful or bragging. For example, a thrasonical person can exaggerate their achievements. Sentence: The politician’s thrasonical speech was criticized for lacking substance.

Thoroughbred: When something is thoroughbred, it means it is purebred or of a high pedigree. For example, a thoroughbred horse can come from a long line of purebred horses. Sentence: The kennel’s thoroughbred puppies were in high demand among dog lovers.

Thalamocortical: When something is thalamocortical, it means it is related to the connection between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex in the brain. For example, a thalamocortical pathway can carry sensory information to the brain. Sentence: The neurologist’s thalamocortical research sheds light on how the brain processes sensory information.

Thready: When something is thready, it means it is thin or fine, like a thread. For example, a thready pulse can be weak and barely perceptible. Sentence: The singer’s thready voice added a delicate quality to the song.

Thoroughpaced: When something is thoroughpaced, it means it is consistent or steady in its progress. For example, a thoroughpaced runner maintains a steady pace throughout the race. Sentence: The company’s thorough-paced growth strategy helped them expand steadily into new markets.

Thirty: When someone is thirty, it means they are between the ages of 30 and 39. For example, someone who is 35 is thirty-five. Sentence: I’m turning thirty next month and I’m planning to celebrate with a trip to the beach.

Thematic: When something is thematic, it means it is related to a particular theme or subject. For example, a thematic analysis of a book can reveal its underlying themes. Sentence: The movie’s thematic focus on family dynamics made it resonate with audiences of all ages.

Theatrical: When something is theatrical, it means it is exaggerated or dramatic in its presentation. For example, a theatrical performance can be over-the-top in its acting or production. Sentence: The politician’s theatrical speech drew criticism for being insincere.

Thrombosed: When something is thrombosed, it means it is affected by a blood clot. For example, a thrombosed vein can cause pain and swelling. Sentence: The doctor prescribed blood thinners to treat the patient’s thrombosed leg.

Throaty: When something is throaty, it means it has a deep or husky sound, often from the throat. For example, a throaty laugh can be infectious. Sentence: The singer’s throaty voice gave the song a soulful quality.

Thrawn: When someone is thrawn, it means they are stubborn or contrary in their behavior or attitude. For example, a thrawn child may refuse to eat certain foods. Sentence: The thrawn employee was resistant to any changes in the workplace.

Thievishness: When someone displays thievishness, it means they have a tendency to steal or act dishonestly. For example, a person who shoplifts frequently displays thievishness. Sentence: The security guard was able to identify the thievishness of the suspect based on their suspicious behavior.

Thicketed: When something is thicketed, it means it is covered with a dense growth of bushes or trees. For example, a thicketed forest can be difficult to navigate. Sentence: The hiker got lost in the thicketed undergrowth and had to call for help.

Therapeutic: When something is therapeutic, it means it has healing or soothing effects. For example, a therapeutic massage can help ease muscle tension. Sentence: The therapeutic benefits of yoga have been shown to improve mental and physical health.

Theoretical: When something is theoretical, it means it is based on theory or abstract principles rather than practical experience. For example, a theoretical physics concept may be difficult to visualize. Sentence: The philosopher’s ideas were interesting but lacked practical applications because they were purely theoretical.

Theophanic: When something is theophanic, it means it reveals or relates to a deity or divine presence. For example, a theophanic vision can be a powerful religious experience. Sentence: The religious leader claimed to have experienced a theophanic manifestation during meditation.

Thallous: Thallous is a rare adjective that describes something that is related to or contains thallium. For example, a thallous salt can be used in a diagnostic medical test. Sentence: The doctor ordered a thallous scan to investigate the patient’s heart condition.

Thalassographic: Thalassographic is an adjective that describes something that is related to the science of oceanography. For example, a thalassographic map can show the physical features of the ocean floor. Sentence: The thalassographic expedition discovered several new species of marine life.

Threadbare: When something is threadbare, it means it is worn out or shabby due to overuse or age. For example, a threadbare carpet can have visible holes or thinning areas. Sentence: The old sweater was so threadbare that it was practically see-through.

Thrashy: When something is thrashy, it means it is characterized by rough or violent movements or actions. For example, a thrashy guitar solo can be energetic and chaotic. Sentence: The mosh pit at the concert was so thrashy that I almost got knocked over.

Thetic: When something is thetic, it means it is related to or characterized by a simple, plain, or basic style or form. For example, a thetic artwork can have a minimalist aesthetic. Sentence: The thetic design of the furniture emphasized functionality over ornamentation.

Threptic: Threptic is a rare adjective that describes something that is related to or promoting nutrition and growth. For example, a threptic food supplement can help improve a person’s overall health. Sentence: The doctor recommended a threptic diet to help the patient recover from the illness.

Thicket-forming: Thicket-forming is an adjective that describes a plant that grows in dense, tangled, or brushy clumps. For example, a thicket-forming shrub can provide a natural barrier or habitat for wildlife. Sentence: The hiking trail was so overgrown with thicket-forming plants that it was difficult to follow.

Thermosetting: Thermosetting is an adjective that describes a material or substance that undergoes a chemical reaction when heated, resulting in a permanent change in its physical properties. For example, a thermosetting plastic can be molded into a specific shape and then hardened. Sentence: The engineer selected a thermosetting adhesive to bond the parts together for maximum durability.

Thick-skinned: When someone is thick-skinned, it means they are insensitive to criticism or negative feedback. For example, a thick-skinned person can handle rejection or insults without getting upset. Sentence: The politician had to be thick-skinned to handle the constant scrutiny and criticism from the media.

Thallophytic: Thallophytic is an adjective that describes a plant or organism that lacks distinct stems, leaves, or roots. For example, thallophytic algae can be found in aquatic environments. Sentence: The biologist studied the thallophytic fungi to understand their role in the ecosystem.

Thalloid: Thalloid is an adjective that describes a plant or organism that resembles a thallus or lacks distinct structures like stems or leaves. For example, a thalloid liverwort can be found in damp environments. Sentence: The botanist examined the thalloid structure of the plant to identify its species.

Thoracic: When something is thoracic, it means it is related to or located in the chest area. For example, a thoracic vertebra can be found in the spine.

Thinnish: When something is thinnish, it means it is somewhat thin or relatively thin. For example, a thinnish layer of snow can cover the ground. Sentence: The thinnish fabric of the dress made it comfortable to wear in the summer heat.

Thwartly: When something is thwartly, it means it is in a crosswise or obstructing manner. For example, a thwartly fence can prevent access to a property. Sentence: The narrow road was blocked by a thwartly log that had fallen across it.

Thrumming: When something is thrumming, it means it is making a continuous humming or vibrating sound. For example, a thrumming engine can be heard in a car. Sentence: The thrumming of the bee’s wings could be heard as it flew from flower to flower.

Throbbing: When something is throbbing, it means it is pulsating with a regular rhythm, often indicating pain. For example, a throbbing headache can be felt in the head. Sentence: The athlete’s leg was throbbing with pain after running a marathon.

Three-cornered: When something is three-cornered, it means it has three angles or corners, like a triangle. For example, a three-cornered hat can be worn as a part of a costume. Sentence: The building had a unique three-cornered shape that made it stand out from the surrounding architecture.

Thirstier: When someone is thirstier, it means they are more in need or desire of a drink of water or other liquid. For example, after a workout in the heat, someone can feel thirstier. Sentence: The long hike left her feeling thirstier than she had expected, so she drank the entire bottle of water.

Thickset: When someone is thickset, it means they have a strong and heavy build. For example, a rugby player can be described as a thickset. Sentence: The wrestler was short but thickset, making him difficult to take down.

Thalamic: When something is thalamic, it means it is related to or involving the thalamus, a part of the brain. For example, a thalamic stroke can affect a person’s sensory and motor functions. Sentence: The doctor explained that the patient’s thalamic injury was responsible for the loss of sensation in their left hand.

Thysanuran: When something is thysanuran, it means it is related to or resembling a thysanuran, which is an insect with long, thread-like antennae. For example, a thysanuran insect can be found crawling on a plant. Sentence: The entomologist identified the insect as a thysanuran, based on its distinctive antennae.

Thrombolytic: When something is thrombolytic, it means it is related to or capable of dissolving blood clots. For example, a thrombolytic drug can be administered to a patient with a heart attack to dissolve blood clots in their arteries. Sentence: The patient was given a thrombolytic medication to help dissolve the blood clot in their leg.

Thoughtworthy: When something is thoughtworthy, it means it is worth thinking about or considering. For example, a thoughtworthy idea can lead to a new invention. Sentence: The speaker presented a thoughtworthy argument that made the audience think differently about the issue.

Theurgical: When something is theurgical, it means it is related to or involves the practice of magic or religious rituals. For example, a theurgical spell can be cast by a practitioner of magic. Sentence: The ancient civilization had a rich history of theurgical practices, which were believed to connect them to their gods.

Thesial: When something is thesial, it means it is related to or pertaining to sweating. For example, the thesial glands are responsible for producing sweat. Sentence: The athlete’s thesial glands were working overtime as he ran the marathon on a hot day.

Thalliferous: When something is thalliferous, it means it contains or produces thallium. For example, thalliferous rocks contain thallium. Sentence: The geologist discovered thalliferous rocks in the mine during their exploration.

Thalassicologic: When something is thalassicologic, it means it is related to or pertaining to the study of the ocean. For example, thalassicologic research can focus on marine ecology or ocean currents. Sentence: The thalassicologic study of coral reefs revealed alarming rates of bleaching due to climate change.

Thalamencephalic: When something is thalamencephalic, it means it is related to or pertaining to the thalamus and the brain. For example, thalamencephalic pathways are responsible for sensory and motor processing. Sentence: The doctor explained the thalamencephalic processes that are involved in the transmission of pain signals.

Thixotropic: When something is thixotropic, it means it becomes less viscous or thick when it is agitated or stirred. For example, some paints are thixotropic, becoming more liquid when stirred. Sentence: The engineer used thixotropic materials to design a self-healing coating that becomes liquid when exposed to stress.

Thirty-first: When something is thirty-first, it means it is the ordinal number corresponding to the number 31 in a series. For example, someone’s thirty-first birthday marks the beginning of their 32nd year. Sentence: On the thirty-first day of the month, many people pay their bills and complete their monthly tasks.

Thermochemical: When something is thermochemical, it means it involves or relates to the chemical changes that occur with changes in temperature. For example, thermochemical reactions can occur during combustion. Sentence: The scientist studied the thermochemical properties of a compound to determine its potential as a fuel source.

Thelemic: When something is Thelemic, it means it is related to or associated with the religious and philosophical system of Thelema. For example, Thelemic beliefs include the concept of individualism and personal responsibility. Sentence: The artist’s work was influenced by Thelemic concepts and symbols.

Thalline: When something is thalline, it means it is related to or contains thallium. For example, thalline compounds can be used in medical imaging. Sentence: The lab technician handled the thalline solution with caution due to its toxicity.

Thornproof: When something is thornproof, it means it is resistant to or protected from thorns or prickly objects. For example, thornproof gloves can protect the hands while gardening. Sentence: The hiker wore thornproof pants to avoid getting scratched by the thorny bushes on the trail.

Thermonuclear: When something is thermonuclear, it means it is related to the release of energy by the fission of atomic nuclei at high temperatures. For example, a thermonuclear bomb can release a massive amount of energy. Sentence: The sun’s energy is produced by a thermonuclear reaction that occurs at its core.

Thermoelastic: When something is thermoelastic, it means it changes in shape or size when exposed to a change in temperature. For example, a rubber band can be thermoelastic. Sentence: The metal in the car’s engine block is designed to be thermoelastic, so it can expand and contract with temperature changes without cracking.

Thatchless: When something is thatchless, it means it is without a roof covering made of straw or similar material. For example, a modern house can be thatchless. Sentence: The old cottage in the countryside had a thatchless roof after it was damaged in a storm.

Thromboembolic: When something is thromboembolic, it means it is related to the formation and release of a blood clot that travels through the bloodstream and can cause blockage of a blood vessel. For example, a thromboembolic event can cause a stroke or heart attack. Sentence: The patient’s medical history showed a high risk of thromboembolic events due to a genetic condition.

Threnodial: When something is threnodial, it means it is related to or characterized by mourning or lamentation. For example, a threnodial song can express sadness or grief. Sentence: The threnodial speech given at the funeral moved everyone to tears.

Thymy: When something is thymy, it means it has the aroma or flavor of thyme, an herb commonly used in cooking. For example, a dish can have a thymy taste or smell. Sentence: The roasted chicken had a lovely thymy aroma thanks to the seasoning with fresh thyme.

Thymocratic: When a government is thymocratic, it means it is ruled by strong emotions, particularly by anger or rage. For example, a leader who makes decisions based on their anger can be considered thymocratic. Sentence: The dictator’s thymocratic rule led to widespread violence and unrest in the country.

Thetin: Thetin is not a commonly used adjective, and there is no clear definition for it. It may be a typo or a misspelling of the word “tetan,” which means relating to or causing tetanus, a serious bacterial infection.

Theophanous: When something is theophanous, it means it is divine or otherworldly in nature. For example, the sight of an angel can be described as theophanous. Sentence: The beauty of the sunset was so theophanous that it left me in awe.

Theatric: When something is theatric, it means it is dramatic or exaggerated as if it were meant for the stage. For example, someone who is prone to dramatic gestures can be described as theatrics. Sentence: The politician’s theatric speech was met with a mixed response from the audience.

Thickheaded: When someone is described as thickheaded, it means they are slow to understand or comprehend things, or they are stubborn and resistant to change. For example, a teacher might describe a student who is struggling to grasp a concept as thickheaded.

Sentence: Despite his friends’ warnings, the thickheaded man refused to listen and continued to make poor decisions.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, adjectives that start with “th” can add a powerful and distinctive touch to any piece of writing or speech. From the common and popular “thoughtful” and “thorough” to the more obscure “thymocratic” and “theophanous,” the possibilities are endless.

These adjectives can help convey a wide range of emotions and qualities, from the positive and uplifting to the negative and critical. Using adjectives that start with “th” can help writers and speakers craft memorable and impactful descriptions that engage their audience and leave a lasting impression.

So, don’t hesitate to incorporate these words into your writing and speech to elevate your language and communicate your message effectively.

Thanks for reading.


This article was written using ChatGPT, as part of an experiment. You can read about it in this article on ‘startup adjectives’.

Further reading:

  1. 23+ Best AI Writing Tools in 2023: Pros and Cons
  2. Can ChatGPT Write Poems (and How to Write an Amazing One)
  3. Can ChatGPT create Instagram Posts? (Tried and tested)
  4. Can Jasper AI be Detected? (Ultimate Case study)