4 Secret Tips to Earn 173500 Free Jasper Credits (In 2023)

In this article, I will tell you 4 ways you can earn Free Jasper Credits.

Jasper AI is a fascinating piece of AI software that can assist you in writing almost anything but it’s not free.

By default, you receive 10,000 free credits when you sign up for Jasper, but honestly, these credits are inadequate to test out all the incredible features and amazing templates that Jasper offers.

Therefore, I created this extensive guide to let you in on a secret — Tips to earn free Jasper Credits (up to 173500 of them!).

Let’s go!

How to Earn Free Jasper Credits?

AI writing is a new technology. There is some learning curve involved. A customer who finds even an iota of a hindrance in using the software is likely to run away.

All AI content companies understand this, therefore they are incentivizing their customers by offering them some freebies or free credits.

Jasper is no exception. It knows that for users to feel comfortable with the software, they must learn how to use it, how to incorporate it into their workflow, and how to make the most out of it.

Therefore it is running a few programs for customers to earn free Credits.

How Jasper Credits Work

There are two kinds of credits in Jasper AI — Plan credits and Bonus credits. (1 credit = 1 word)

Plan credits are those that you have either received on trial (10,000 words) or those that you have purchased with your plan. For example, when you purchase the Boss Mode subscription for $49 ($59 for monthly payment), you get 50,000 plan credits.

Bonus credits are those that have been manually added to your account by the Jasper team as a reward for doing certain tasks.

Plan credits expire at the end of your billing cycle (or after 5 days in case of trial). These do not roll over. It doesn’t matter if you have used five hundred or five thousand words, your plan will reset to your monthly quota at the beginning of the next cycle.

In contrast, Bonus credits never expire. They roll over month to month until fully utilized. Also, they are (by default) used only after you exhaust your plan credits. Sweet!.

Free Credit Opportunities Available in Jasper AI

Jasper provides several opportunities for you to earn bonus credits.

Sign up for Jasper (10000 credits)

That’s the first step. Sign up for Jasper and you will be awarded 10,000 free jasper credits to try out all the features. Remember that you only have 5 days to utilize these credits.

Welcome to Jasper (7000 credits)

When you sign up for Jasper, your first 10,000 words are free. Then, when you log in for the first time, you are taken to the dashboard, where you are greeted with this screen —

Earn Free Jasper Credits: Small tasks to earn free Jasper Credits.

Jasper has laid out a few baby steps. It wants you to learn the basics of the software one task at a time. You earn free credits when you complete a task.

These tasks are (in order) —

Get to know Jasper (7000 credits available)

  • Create an account (already done)
  • Generate your first blog post (1000 credits)
  • Generate a paragraph for your website (1000 credits)
  • Generate a caption for a social media post (1000 credits)
  • Generate an Email subject line (1000 credits)
  • Tell Jasper what to write in your own words (2500 credits)
  • Watch the Introduction video (500 words)

These tasks are the first small wins for customers, to give them a sense that yes, they are learning how to use the software.

For example, when you try the template ‘Generate a caption for a social media post’, you see this screen.

image 10

You fill in the input and hit Generate button and bam!

You are greeted with this —

image 13

At this moment, you sift through the output, you read the tweets generated by Jasper and you realize that all these tweets look legitimate and eerily human-generated.

Then, finally, it dawns on you — it’s not a gimmick. Jasper AI is the real deal.

By the way, all the above tasks are based on Jasper templates, one of the killer features of Jasper AI.

Jasper provides more than 60+ pre-built templates. If you want to know how every Jasper template performs, we have created an exhaustive guide explaining each template here (with examples and screenshots).

Become an expert (51500 credits)

After you have completed these basic tasks, you graduate to the advanced level. You find two tasks here —

image 6
  • Invite your first team member (1500 credits)
  • Join a 101 training (50,000 credits)

Jasper AI supports collaboration among team members. In the Boss Mode Subscription Plan, you can invite up to 4 more (total 5) team members and their credits will also be counted towards your monthly quota.

When you invite a team member, you get a unique link. You get 1500 points when they sign up using your link.

The second task is a jackpot for you because you are awarded 50,000 credits for attending this training. That’s a whole month (worth $59) of credits, for free.

The team at Jasper AI wants you to attend a live 30-minute training they call Jasper 101. This training is conducted thrice a week by Kyle Williams (Super energetic guy) who also runs their YouTube Channel.

Kyle Williams - Jasper AI Instructor

When you register for live training, you are given three timeslots to choose from.

Earn Free Jasper Credits: You get 50,000 free credits when you attend a live Jasper 101 training.

Upon completion of this training, you are awarded 50,000 bonus points.

Start your Subscription before your trial expires (5000 credits)

Jasper awards you another 5,000 Bonus credits when you start your subscription before the expiry of your trial period.

Get two months free when you subscribe to the annual plan (100000 credits)

This one is not so secret as the Jasper team advertises it heavily on their pricing page.

When you subscribe to Jasper, you can either opt to choose to pay monthly or annually. When you buy the basic monthly plan (Boss mode), it costs you $59 per month and when you buy the annual plan, you pay only for 10 months (nearly $590).

Thus, on subscribing to the annual plan, you earn two months of subscription free. That’s 100,000 credits, for free. But remember that these credits are Plan credits, not Bonus credits. So, they won’t roll over, they will have to be utilized in your monthly quota itself.

Earlier, when this tool was not so popular, the Jasper team used to run even more programs to earn bonus credits, such as leaving a review on trustpilot.com, g2.com, and capterra.com would award you 10,000 credits for each instance. Referring a friend would earn you another 10,000 free credits.

But, as the company has become popular in the AI content writing software space, these programs have been stopped.

However, on their documentation page, they are yet to update it —

image 275

The link mentioned above is broken, It doesn’t point to any page anymore.

So, the points that I mentioned above are likely the only options for you to earn free Jasper credits.

How to Preserve Jasper Credits

Now, let’s discuss ways in which you can preserve Jasper credits and make the most out of your subscription.

Use Jasper Chat as much as possible.

Jasper Chat is a freeform chatbot where you can give any command and it replies. Currently, Jasper does not count your credits when you use Jasper chat. So, use it as much as you can.

I confirmed it with the Jasper team. They have said that they are not charging words produced by Jasper Chat towards monthly credits.

Words produced by Jasper Chat are not counted toward the monthly credits.

Use Jasper Templates

Jasper provides more than 60+ templates that can be used to produce a variety of outputs such as YouTube video descriptions, video script outlines, tweets, Instagram photo captions, listicles, FAQs, and much more.

Templates have a set input and output format; generally, you know which template will consume how many words.

For example, the Tweet Machine template consumes about 150 words, the YouTube video description template consumes about 50 words and Amazon Product Features (Bullets) consumes about 130 words.

If you try to generate the same output as these templates from the document editor, you will blast through your credits at a much more rapid rate.

And lastly, when you generate output through templates, keep the number of outputs to either 1 or 2. By default, Jasper produces 3 outputs.

Reduce number of outputs in Jasper to conserve credits.

It is important to bring down this number because Jasper counts all the words produced by it towards your credit consumption, not just those that are actually used by you.

Don’t use the document editor unless you really have to

Document editor in Jasper is for long-form content, like blog posts or research articles. When you use the document editor, you need to give it very specific commands so that it produces output tailored to your needs.

If your input is ambiguous or interpretable in many ways, Jasper might go off a tangent and produce irrelevant output.

Therefore, you should always edit the content produced by Jasper and write very specific commands. Also, to the extent possible, keep your output length Small (S, 25-30 words).

This is because 25-30 words are sufficient to let you know if Jasper is on the right track. If not, edit the content a little bit, nudge Jasper in the right direction and then press the compose button.

Downvote the inappropriate or incorrect outputs

AI writing is a new technology. It can sometimes produce output that is either inappropriate or plain wrong.

The user shouldn’t be penalized for the mistakes committed by the AI tool. The team at Jasper understands this.

Therefore they refund your credits when you downvote any output generated by any of the Jasper templates. You can downvote a Jasper Output by pressing the thumbs-down button shown above the output —

You can downvote a Jasper output to get a refund of consumed credits.

However, there’s a caveat to this. You can refund a maximum of 20% credits of your monthly quota. If you have purchased 50,000 credits, you can get a refund of only 10,000 credits in that month.

Also, to claim the credits refund, you must downvote the output within 60 seconds of its generation.


In this article, I explained how you can earn up to 173500 free Jasper Credits. We also saw how you can conserve those credits and how you can utilize them in the best possible manner.

If I have missed any other secret tip, please let me know in the comments down below.

Thanks for reading.