How to Make ChatGPT Act Like Quillbot

In this article, I will lay out some tips on how to make ChatGPT act like Quillbot and rephrase your text to avoid AI detection.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that talks to you like a human. Think of it as your hyper-intelligent assistant. Not only can it understand commands written in natural language, it can also craft answers which look as if they have been written by an actual person.

ChatGPT is a Swiss army knife of all things related to the text. A version of ChatGPT is currently being offered for free during its research preview stage.

Users have been quick to realize ChatGPT’s potential to write blog posts. There is just one problem: the text it churns out is heavily watermarked by its quirks which can be picked up by AI-detection tools such as Originality AI.

Text having AI traces doesn’t make for good content: neither for Google nor for the readers. That’s the primary reason users fall back on other AI tools like Quillbot to rephrase AI text.

Quilbot is a paraphrasing tool, which takes a piece of text as input and mixes it up using Artificial Intelligence. It’s not just for spinning text, though. It can write full articles, check grammar, make citations, and do other cool things.

The combination of ChatGPT and Quillbot makes a powerful duo but is set back by a small issue: while ChatGPT is free, Quillbot isn’t. Its plans start at $ 49.99/year or $ 9.99/month.

This sucks for users who don’t wanna pay for yet another subscription.

What If I told you that you don’t have to spend a penny to exploit the core paraphrasing features of Quillbot? You can make ChatGPT act like the Quillbot itself.

In this article, I will give you 8 prompts that will make ChatGPT emulate some of the functionalities of Quillbot.

Without wasting any time, let’s go.

What features can ChatGPT mimic?

Before we begin, understand that Quillbot is a powerhouse. It’s not so simple a tool that its functionality can be completely emulated or automated by ChatGPT. Among the features that can’t be replicated by ChatGPT are a dedicated document editor (named ‘Co-writer’), Citation Generator, and Plagiarism detector.

Also, remember that no AI chatbot can mirror the user-friendliness of a tool like Quillbot. Its visual feedback, intuitive interface, capability to change up any word just at a mouse click, and color coding of changes made in vocabulary and sentence structure, make it a tool that is beyond the grasp of a few simple text-based commands.

If you rely on Quilbot for your workflow, the tricks mentioned below won’t do a good job. These tips have come out of a fun little experiment carried out by a curious mind for people who only have an occasional need to paraphrase text.

I recommend that you buy Quillbot’s subscription if you use it regularly. It’s fairly cheap for what it does. It costs $9.95 for a month, $39.95 for 6 months, and just $49.95 for the entire year (unlimited words in all plans).

How to Make ChatGPT Act Like Quillbot

Some features of Quillbot—paraphrasing, grammar checking, and summarising—can, however, be emulated by ChatGPT with surprising accuracy.

Let’s get to the ChatGPT prompts that make it act like Quillbot.


Quillbot offers 7 modes in its paraphraser: Standard, Fluency, Formal, Simple, Creative, Expand, and Shorten.

I will write out 7 ChatGPT commands that will spin the AI-written text in a manner most similar to each of these seven modes. But, before doing that, let’s generate some AI text.

I ask ChatGPT to write a 300-word paragraph on “bad effects of social media on youth”. ChatGPT came up with this:

image 28

In the rest of the article, I will use this text to show how it is remixed by my prompts. Let’s try the first mode:

Standard Mode

In Quillbot, this mode retains the meaning of your text and makes minimal stylistic or vocabulary-related changes.

After a lot of testing and tweaking, I came up with this ChatGPT command that produced satisfactory results:

Rewrite the paragraph above.

Do not change the meaning. Replace around 10% of the words with their closest synonyms that fits the context. Vary the sentence lengths a bit. Some sentences should be around 15-16 words adjacent to some of the sentences which are 7 or 8 words. Do not replace any word which alters the meaning.

This was the result:

ChatGPT can act like Quillbot and can rewrite text in standard format.

Fluency Mode

This mode makes your text fluent to read and removes any uncommon words or phrases that may hinder the comprehension of an average reader.

The following prompt gave the results which were most similar to the fluency mode in Quillbot:

Rewrite the paragraph above.

Replace uncommon words with common ones and use shorter words in place of longer ones. Use collocations as much as possible to remove friction while reading. Remove any new or novel phrases and put familiar or popular words and phrases in their place.

Keep the sentence length and word choice similar to how a native speaker would talk to his friends. The text should be fluent to read.

This was the output spit out by ChatGPT:

ChatGPT and Quillbot work great together: In this image, ChatGPT spins the text just like the fluency mode in Quillbot.

Formal mode

This mode makes your text suitable for any official communication or for academic writing.

To emulate the formal mode on Quillbot, try this prompt:

Rewrite the paragraph above.

Replace all phrasal verbs with formal ones. Remove all casual or informal words and replace them with stately, official words. The text should look like it was written for an official communication.

I am writing for US audience, so write only US specific spellings. No sentence should be shorter than 8 words. Do not, however, complicate sentences. Do not make them verbose.

The thought should flow logically, smoothly from one sentence to another.

Output by ChatGPT:

Quillbot and ChatGPT: You can write prompts in ChatGPT that can make a text written in a formal tone.

Simple Mode

This mode makes your text readable and comprehensible to everyone. The text is written in simple language, stripped of any jargon or technical words.

Try this prompt to simplify your text:

Rewrite the paragraph above.

Replace all formal, big, complex, long words with their closest synonyms that are simple, short and relevant. Restructure the sentences and make them shorter in length.

Keep the tone casual and language informal. Do not use greetings or condescending tone. Remove all complext ideas and rephrase them simply. Give one or more examples to explain difficult concepts. Imagine you are writing for a layman.

This is how ChatGPT responded:

image 33

Creative Mode

Creative mode in Quillbot completely rewrites your text which may sometimes change some of the meaning.

I found this prompt works closest to replicating the creative mode on Quillbot:

Rewrite the above paragraph from scratch.

Imagine you are writing for a novel. You have the creative liberty to use similies and alliteration. The essence or the meaning of the text should not change at all. It should remain same.

Vary sentence length. Some sentences should be 5 word long immediately followed by sentences of 12 or more words. Use phrasal verbs, synonyms or flowery words.

This was ChatGPT’s response:

image 34

Expand Mode

As the name suggests, the ‘Expand Mode’ expands your text using Quillbot’s AI.

Try this prompt with ChatGPT to expand your text:

Expand the above text a little more.

Elaborate on your main points. Give examples for any claims or arguments that you have made. Write contrasting viewpoints. Write why those counter viewpoints are faulty or what flaws do they contain.

The expanded iteration should contain about 30% more words.

Shorten Mode

You can use this mode to trim down your text or to abbreviate it:

Shorten the above text to about 60% of its length.

Rewrite sentences in fewer words. Use active voice only. If possible, remove phrases with proper simple words. Delete adjectives and adverbs and use stronger words to convey the same meaning.

Delete any examples and explanations if they are extraneous or do not add anything new to the paragraph. Keep the essence and import of the text. Do not delete counter viewpoints if they are necessary to keep the text well-rounded.

Other than these paraphrasing modes, Quillbot’s two more features can be emulated using ChatGPT: Grammar checking and summarizing.

Grammer Checking

Although a simple prompt (like “Check the above text for grammar mistakes“) is good enough to make ChatGPT check a piece of text for grammar mistakes, I like to keep my prompts detailed and specific.

This way, ChatGPT has to scan the text for the things that I instruct it to. I found that the following prompt works great for grammar checking:

I want you to act like a professional grammar teacher. You know all about grammar, its usage and pitfalls.

I want you to scruitinize the above text for grammar errors. Clearly point out grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, muddled sentence structures or confusing phrases in this text. Also suggest their solutions or replacements or ways to correct them.

Do not correct my grammar by yourself. Give me options on how replacements I can make and let me decide for myself.

Try this. It is more than sufficient to outperform Quillbot’s grammar checker feature.


The summarizer in Quillbot breaks down the text into digestible bullet points.

This ChatGPT prompt is good enough to fit our purpose:

I want you to summarize the above text.

Keep main ideas only in bullet points. Remove extra details such as examples, anecdotes, similies or analogies. The summary should not be more than 6 points long.

That wraps up our ChatGPT prompts to mimic the core functionality of Quillbot.

Remember, ChatGPT cannot fully emulate the interactivity and intuitiveness of Quillbot, but it can surely do the job of paraphrasing text.

Sure, it’s more work than copying and pasting in Quillbot but it’s free. If you are short on funds or do not want to spend money at all, you don’t have to.

As long as ChatGPT offers a free version, you are good to go.

Thanks for reading.

Further reading:

  1. 5 Ultimate Tips to Improve Your Writing with ChatGPT
  2. How to Use Jasper AI for Academic Writing and Essays
  3. 5 Best AI Writers for Academic Writing (Free and Paid)
  4. 23+ Best AI Writing Tools in 2023: Pros and Cons
  5. Find the Perfect Niche with ChatGPT: The ULTIMATE Guide
  6. How to craft a PERFECT domain name with ChatGPT